In Focus: Artists from the Barrie Art Club
Date: Wednesday, September 27
Time: 12:00 to 1:00 pm
Location: Rotary Education Centre
Cost: FREE! Registration required
Join members of the Barrie Art Club, Catherine Coulter and Valerie Losell, in a discussion about their artworks included in Garden Follies: A Selection of Works by the Barrie Art Club. The presentation will explore the artistic journey of two regional artists and the role of the Barrie Art Club in supporting their artistic development.
Catherine Coulter’s work explores themes of powerlessness in the face of climate change and gender power imbalances. Her work features classical sculptures, referencing contemporary cultural perspectives and pop culture to create the narrative for each painting. She works in primarily oils using saturated colour and simplified forms.
In the wake of a life-altering brain and spinal cord injury, watercolour therapy led Val Losell to drawing and painting regularly at home. Since 2014, Losell has participated in Barrie Art Club workshops and courses to develop her understanding of various media, her confidence, and her ability to manifest her artistic vision. Visual art now vies with poetry for her time and attention. Losell is grateful for this unexpected ‘window’ through which she has climbed back into the world.
Founded in 1949, the Barrie Art Club has grown into a vibrant community resource for artists and art lovers alike working in and around Barrie. With over 200 members, the Barrie Art Club supports artists working in all mediums across all levels, from professionals, to amateurs, to those who simply want to learn more about art. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to explore their creativity – the only pre-requisite is a love to create!
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