The Maclaren Art Centre in Barrie is set to host a unique event known as the “Death Café” on January 18th. This interactive and thought-provoking gathering, led by palliative pain and symptom management consultants Kathlene Bartlett and Julie Leighton-Phelps, offers a refreshing perspective on the often-taboo subject of death and dying. Through candid discussions over coffee and tea, participants can explore topics ranging from wills and estate planning to funeral arrangements and end-of-life care. This free workshop encourages open dialogue, aiming to familiarize attendees with essential conversations about advance-care planning. The event, organized by North Simcoe Muskoka Hospice Palliative Care Network, is open to all, marking its second occurrence at the MacLaren Art Centre but its first evening session.
Read more in the Simcoe Today Article.
Learn More about Death Café at Maclaren Art Centre.